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The great Nyingma master of the 19th century


This profoundly erudite teacher inspired Tibetans from all walks of life, across Tibet. Wholly dedicated to benefiting beings everywhere, this wise and compassionate master controlled all forms of negativity and emotions and brought healing, balance, well-being and care into the minds and hearts of all he encountered.

He brought peace between feudal families, inspired people everywhere to practice and manifest kindness and gentleness. To everyone he met, he radiated a light of wisdom, sweeping away the veils of ignorance. His writings are timeless - especially today, they speak as clearly and relevantly as they did 200 years ago.

“Everything that is born is impermanent and is destined to die.

Everything accumulated is impermanent and destined to be spent.

Everything that unites is impermanent and is bound to separate.

Everything that is built is impermanent and is bound to collapse.

Everything that appears is impermanent and is destined to disappear.

So also friendship and enmity, luck and misfortune, good and evil, all the thoughts that pass through the mind – everything is ever changing.”

~Patrul Rinpoche

Why are Patrul Rinpoche's texts important? Watch the video and learn more.

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